Day of Hope is an opportunity for ACSIWC school staff, students, and families to get involved in supporting our global partner, Classrooms for Africa, in a tangible way!

  • Inform
    Share with your students and staff about the mission of Classrooms for Africa and the current project with the provided Day of Hope resources.

  • Support
    We encourage schools and classrooms to get creative and have fun raising monetary support for the current project: Teacher Training in Uganda. Collectively, every dollar makes a difference! Each $100 donated provides training for 1 teacher in Uganda.

  • Pray
    Spend time in personal and corporate prayer for Classrooms for Africa and for this project. Pray for God to increase the impact and reach of this organization for His glory. Pray for the teachers who will receive this training and the students who will benefit from it.

Downloadable Resources

In 2024/2025, all funds raised by our member schools will go directly to the Teacher Training in Uganda project. This project will provide biblical and professional training for teachers in Uganda, which will ultimately result in better opportunities for at risk students in the country.

A donation of $100 will support one teacher to receive training in biblical integration through a series of training sessions. Our goal is to raise $20,000 through offerings at teacher conventions, as well as individual and school fundraising efforts during the 2023-24 and 2024/25 school years. This will provide training for 200 teachers in Uganda.

To date, we have raised $13,400 from convention offerings, which is enough to provide training for 134 teachers. We still need $16,600 to reach our target by June 2025.

For more information on this project, please email Classrooms for Africa at


  1. Give Online
    Visit and select “ACSIWC 2024/25 Teacher Training in Uganda”

  2. Give by Cheque
    Address cheque to ACSI Western Canada (Note: Day of Hope) and mail to: 44 Willow Brook Drive NW Airdrie, AB T4B 2J5