Job Posting Submission
The ACSIWC Job Posting Service is offered on the following terms:
ACSIWC member schools may list job postings for administrators, teachers and support staff at no charge. (This service is $75 per posting for non-member schools.)
ACSIWC does not endorse or recommend any person appearing in its job posting service. Schools are asked to observe their usual screening process when considering listed individuals.
The postings will remain for three months unless we are notified of the position being filled in a shorter time frame. Please notify ACSIWC immediately when the position is filled and will remove outdated postings.
If the job vacancy has not been filled after the allotted three months, you are welcome to resubmit the posting form.
These employment opportunities are provided solely as a listing service for individuals and Christian schools affiliated with ACSIWC. ACSIWC assumes no liability arising out of or from the hiring of any individual or contact with schools listed herein. ACSIWC does not endorse the individuals or schools listed, nor does ACSIWC undertake or conduct any screening of individuals or schools. When considering individuals from this list, schools using the listing should conduct their own background screening and reference checks. ACSIWC may edit entries for clarity.
Please submit your job posting using the form below. Our office will contact you when your posting is live on our website, and you will be provided a copy of your submission.
Phone: 403.948.2332