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Administrator/Board Conference 2023

Keynote SESSIONS — Jerry Nelson

Jerry Nelson is the Chief Ministry Officer at ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International). He oversees all Spiritual Formation-related initiatives focused on the elevation of God’s Word, prayer, biblical worldview development, initiatives related to biblical unity, diversity, and social engagement and the fulfillment of the Great Commission for all of ACSI’s stakeholders. Jerry served a brief stint on the ACSI Board before joining ACSI. And prior to that he served as Head of School at Northwest Christian Academy in Miami, FL, for 11 years. He holds a B.A. in history and M.A. in educational leadership from St. Thomas University in Miami.

  • Session One: Orthodoxy
    Orthodoxy - Biblical worldview development is the most essential part of a flourishing school. It is evidenced by right thinking, right desires, and followed by right actions. In this first session, we will explore the leader’s responsibility to model right thinking and examine the philosophical and theological foundations that underpin it.

  • Session Two: Orthopathy
    While philosophical and theological foundations are necessary, human beings are not simply thinking beings, we are emotional, physical, and volitional in nature all manifesting itself in personality. School leaders not only shape the minds of students, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, shepherd their hearts. In this session, we explore the relationship between right thinking, the development of personhood and the leaders responsibility to cultivate them.

  • Session Three: Orthopraxy
    How do school leaders consistently put into practice what they believe? How do they effectively move from doctrine to ethics—from the grand narrative of Scripture to principle-centered living? In this final session, we will examine how sound philosophical and theological foundations are necessary to shape God-focused desires thus creating the conditions for right living.

Briercrest College & Seminary

Christian college offering Bible college environment and university level education.



Phone: 403.948.2332

Earlier Event: October 24
BC Student Leadership Conference 2023
Later Event: February 1
BC North District Meeting