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Spring Musicale 2023

  • Prairie College Three Hills, AB (map)

Looking for something to motivate your band or choir? Musicale offers: motivation and reward, adjudication/workshop, mass band/choir experience, colleague interaction, positive peer pressure, recreation, and fun.

Guest Conductors

Sr. Band—James Caswell
James is the Fine Arts Coordinator at White Rock Christian Academy. He has been active in music ministry and education for over 30 years. An instrumental specialist, James has taught music in Manitoba and BC for 20 years and his ensembles have won numerous awards.

Jr. Band—Charlene Heins
Charlene has taught band and choir for 30 years in schools and community groups. This year she has started a new position at Providence Christian school teaching choir and hopes to start an instrumental program in the future. Her groups have participated and successfully competed in many festivals. She loves sharing her joy of Praising God through music with her students.

Sr. Choir—Elsie Eelhart
Elsie is a retired schoolteacher having taught in BC and Alberta for over 40 years. During this time, she has participated and led school, church, and community choirs. Her choirs have received numerous awards and enjoyed going on tour both locally and provincially. A couple of highlights were singing at the Unisong Choral Festival on Canada Day in Ottawa and going on tour to New York City. Currently, she works as a substitute teacher with Lethbridge School Division.


Phone: 403.948.2332 

Earlier Event: March 3
BC Winter District Meeting
Later Event: May 16
Drama Xchange 2023