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AB Student Leadership Conference 2024

  • Camp Caroline Caroline, Alberta Canada (map)

Registration details found below.

Conference Theme—Longing for more

Keynote Speakers

Hey! My name is Adam Driscoll. I’m the Director of Spiritual Development for Cornerstone Christian School, a k-12 school in Moose Jaw, SK. Every day, I get to be a part of a world that is similar to yours. I get to wake up and live out my passion to nurture a passionate pursuit of God’s call and inspire obedience that leads to contagious living! Over the last 20 years in different leadership experiences, I’ve had the chance to do a few really cool things and meet some incredible people. But when the opportunity to meet with students arise, I pretty much drop everything. That’s because I believe so deeply in the power of potential and what can happen when students grow their leadership capacity and capability. The amount of power in the room when student leaders gather – there’s nothing like it! I can’t wait to join you and chase after the things of God together.


  • Being a leader is not some sophisticated theory or secret that only a few people know. Instead, it’s a powerful combination of a few key components that when discovered and unlocked, you can reach your potential, lead for the long haul, and be a leader people want to rally around. If you can handle Grade 6 Math, you can be a leader. Master this skill-testing question and you will be a world changer.

  • Leadership Team Activities Session

    What makes a leader? How would you best describe it? In this exercise, teams will be challenged to interact with the idea of The Leadership Equation to create their own description of qualities that are core for leadership and teach those to the other student leaders.

Jaime Young currently serves as chaplain at Airdrie Christian Academy, where she also teaches Bible, Leadership and Spanish. She was ordained as a pastor in 2021 and is now studying for her Masters of Theology in Christian Leadership. Her life was changed at age 23 when she became a true follower of Christ while in Honduras serving at Jericho Ministries. During her time there, she started and worked at a school for children who had been rescued from human trafficking and other forms of abuse. She is passionate about teaching the Bible and helping students live out their faith boldly and authentically. Jaime lives in Airdrie with her husband Edgardo and her two sons Jonathan and Daniel.

  • Keynote Sessions Two & Three:

    Our culture is filled with people living without purpose; wandering aimlessly through life without meaning and believing that there is no hope.  For this reason, many find themselves lost in addictions, self righteousness, and lacking the hope for a future.

    God has called His people to walk closely with Him through this life, allowing Him to lead us to live with purpose. We are reminded that we are the light of the world. Living a life surrendered to Jesus produces much fruit - and this fruit is truly not about us, but about Jesus and expanding His Kingdom.

    The challenge for our generation is to not fall into the trap of living like “the culture”, but choosing the abundant life that Christ has gifted us through His death and resurrection. We are set apart to live in a manner that represents the God of Hope and Purpose and that we would hunger and thirst for righteousness. In doing so, lead a generation to freedom in Christ.

    We will explore this topic through Psalm 42 over the two sessions.

Break-OUt Sessions

Student Led Workshops

Student–led workshops are a unique opportunity for leadership students to learn what it takes to study, prepare, and present a workshop in front of their peers. They work alongside a leadership mentor teacher from their school to craft a workshop proposal and write their outline, and then bring it all together for an in–person presentation at the Student Leadership Conference.

Boys Only Session - Dave Amendt

Hey Men…. “Where are we going and how are we going to get there?”

When on a journey, it is essential to know where you are going and why. If your destination is Mexico and your desire is to soak in the sun, but you end up in Manitoba, you have not gone south, but your plans sure have! You see, we are made to travel with the King to His kingdom and if we choose this, we will experience purpose and joy in the journey. So, guys, it’s time for us to stop and ask: “Where are we going and how are we going to get there?” 

Girls Only Session - Christy Wideman

"Never Alone"

Tethering to the One who sees, knows, and loves you.

Registration Deadline: September 10, 2024

Refund Policy


ACSI Western Canada Office
Phone: 403.948.2332

Earlier Event: May 17
AB Pro–D Day 2024
Later Event: October 10
SK Student Leadership Conference 2024