Resource Centre Teachers FTE .6


must possess or be eligible for certification through the BC Teacher Regulation Branch

School Website:

Pay Range: Starting at $48,966

How to Apply:

Please email resume, statement of faith, philosophy of Christian Education, TRB certificate and reference letters to

For more Information, please contact:

Posted 04.23.24

Gr. 5 Teachers FTE 1


must possess or be eligible for certification through the BC Teacher Regulation Branch

School Website:

Pay Range: Starting at $48,966

How to Apply:

Please email resume, statement of faith, philosophy of Christian Education, TRB certificate and reference letters to

For more Information, please contact:

Posted 04.23.24

Teacher — (1.0 FTE) Full Time Assignment: Learning Support Teacher (Gr. K–12) 2024–2025 School Year

Campbell River Christian School is located in Campbell River, mid-Vancouver Island in British Columbia known for the beauty of the ocean, mountains, and big blue sky. We are a vibrant Christian school serving families and students from Campbell River, Comox Valley, Quadra Island and Sayward. We are renowned for our excellence in education, serving others with humble hearts!

We are now accepting applications for a full-time, LEARNING SUPPORT TEACHER for the 2024-2025 school year. The successful candidate will work under the direction of the Special Education Director and the CRCS Administration team.

Application Closing Date: Ongoing until a suitable candiate has been selected

Postion Begins: August 28, 2024

The successful candidate will have qualifications/skills which include, but are not limited to:

  • Possession of a valid BC Professional Teaching License

  • Possession of a Bachelor's degree in Education (or Graduate Diploma in Education) or a related field; Special Education certification is an asset

  • Experience as a teacher in K-12 schools

  • Experience and comfort teaching small groups, one-to-one instruction, and in-class support

  • Excellent understanding of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)

  • Familiarity and skill with computer and technology tools

  • Strong formative and summative assessment practices

  • Excellent understanding of and experience with differentiated instruction

  • Ability to implement current best pedagogical and evidence-based practices for learning

  • Ability to work with diverse students by using various teaching strategies

  • Possession of excellent listening and communication skills

  • Ability to work closely with staff and families in a team approach

  • Demonstration of excellent teaching practices using current pedagogical best practices

  • Ability to integrate a biblical worldview into all lessons

  • Demonstration of excellent classroom management skills

  • Evidence of a strong understanding of and support for Christian education

  • Ability to Infuse Christian values and principles into the learning support environment.

  • A strong personal commitment to the Christian faith 

  • A commitment to CRCS’s Mission and Vision statements and the school’s values as outlined in the CRCS handbook as well as the Statements of Faith of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)

How to Apply: Candidates interested in applying for this position are invited to please send a cover letter, résumé, a brief write-up of their personal Christian faith journey, and 3 current references including one from the pastor/minister of the Christian church they presently attend to Bérénice MacKenzie at Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. This position will continue to be advertised until a suitable candidate has been selected.

Posted 04.08.24

HCOS Online Teachers (Continuous posting)

Requirements for Position:

  • BC Certified Teacher

  • Passionate, builder of Christ-centred relatonships with students and families

  • Good communication skills, with students and famlilies, both online and face to face

  • Good technical skills for distance learning

  • Looking for independent contract teachers in K-9 Dept; Grad Program and Inclusive Education

How to Apply:

School Website:

Link to Full Job Description:

Posted: June 12, 2023