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AB Teacher Convention 2024

  • Glenmore Christian Academy Calgary, AB (map)

Registration details found below.


Dr. Chris Mattatall is the University of Lethbridge Board of Governor’s Teaching Chair (2023-2025).  He teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses in the Faculty of Education and conducts collaborative research in a number of schools in areas related to reading instruction, teacher efficacy and reading intervention. He also conducts research related to his Board of Governor’s Teaching Chair position which examines the characteristics of effective educators and how small adjustments to teaching practice can have significant impact in the classroom. Dr. Mattatall speaks nationally and internationally on topics related to the science of learning, how the brain learns and develops, motivation and engagement, and teaching and learning strategies that help to direct student attention, strengthen memory and build self-regulation.

Chris and his wife, Gloria, have been married for 33 years, have three grown children and one adorable grand-daughter named Elliott.  They also care for their lovable, playful and mischievous Bernadoodle named Winston. 

  • Session One: The 4 Pillars of Learning

    All human beings share the same basic cognitive architecture.  Understanding that architecture is the key to teaching well.  Without an understanding of that human cognitive architecture instruction is blind (Sweller, 2017). In this session we examine the four pillars of how the human brain takes in, processes, remembers and consolidates information, and equally important, what teachers need to know in order to ready the brain to learn. Holding an understanding to these four pillars will undoubtedly have an impact on how teachers plan their lessons, utilize homework and assessment, and structure their daily class time.

  • Session 2: Small Teaching Strategies to Enhance Memory, Attention and Engagement

    In this session we explore practical and immediately applicable ways to address the 4 pillars of learning from the morning session.  Through a selection of ‘small teachings’ (Lang, 2021) we examine ways to direct attention, enhance memory, prime students to learn in various ways, increase engagement and motivation, and ensure our classrooms address the needs of the developing student brain. 

Super sessions

Super sessions are similar to workshops, but larger in size and they focus on a general/broad topic that could be applicable to teachers in any grade range/subject. Each attendee will have the option to attend one super session during the morning from 10:20–11:35 am.

Please note times and selection are tentative and subject to change prior to the event.


Workshops are small group opportunities to explore practical strategies for a more specific grade range/subject focus. Each attendee will have the option to attend one workshop of their choice during the afternoon from 12:35–1:35 pm.

Please note times and selection are tentative and subject to change prior to the event.

Registration Deadline: October 8, 2024

Refund Policy


Phone: 403.948.2332

Earlier Event: October 17
MB Fall District Meeting
Later Event: October 25
BC Fall PD Day